AllMedia & ArtsGreat GardenersEducatorsNature AmbassadorsBusinessesScientists & Health Professionals

TV Chef - River Cottage
Tim Maddams

Cornish TV Chef
James Strawbridge

Young Hero Award winner
Green Fingered George

Award winning photographer
Andrea Jones

Katie Hayward

School Food Plan Award Winner
Jason O’Rourke

National Teaching School
Charles Dickens Primary School

Gardener and mum
Karin Louise Morgan

Tim Steward

Gardeners and cooks
Caring Cooks

Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association
Charlotte Morton

Family-run electrical wholesalers

Esiah Levy

Teaching kids about food
Nippers Nutrition

Cooking School in Kent
The Seasoned Chef

Indian cooking classes in Aylesbury

Ace Graphics

Forest school leader
Fruits Of The Forest

Geodesic Biodomes
BioDome Systems

Early Years Lecturer
Nicole Jennings

Carbon Dioxide removal for Carbon Capture

Liz Fisher

Healthy food school in Ireland
The Cool Food School

Secondary Science Teacher
Ben Gibbs

The School Seed Bank


Inequalities & Environment activist
Lindsay Graham

Freelance copywriter. Business & travel blogger
Steve Shaw

School food expert
Jeanette Orrey MBE

Award winning food educator
Tony Mulgrew

Top chefs sharing their knowledge
The Chef’s Forum

Home of the home gardener
Grow Mad

Joining the dots between health, food, and farming
Real Food Campaign UK

Leader, Barnet Labour Group